World Makes Urgent Call For More Trees

More Trees, A Trillion Trees, And Fast, Is It Our Only Hope

News reports from everywhere echo the call to plant more trees

But if you want to save the world by planting trees you first have to gather the seeds.

We are at the start of a massive and ever-growing movement of people trying to do something about climate change. Millions of people have marched for the climate crisis in recent months. If we might harness all of this positive energy and get behind this unifying goal, restoring Earth’s ecosystems would have the immense power to restore our environment and repair our climate.

This is the power of restoration. Almost every government around the globe has already pledged to restore forest systems – Australia and New Zealand, for example, each plan to plant 1 billion trees, Ethiopia is far ahead of them.

In a new analysis seen recently in the journal Science, scientists report that restoring forests could cut atmospheric carbon by 25 percent.

“We all knew restoring forests could play a part in tackling climate change, but we had no scientific understanding of what impact this could make,” scientist Tom Crowther, who led the new research, said in a press release.

“Our study shows clearly that forest restoration is the best climate change solution available today and it provides hard evidence to justify the investment. If we act now, this could cut carbon dioxide in the atmosphere … to levels last seen almost a century ago.”

Here are just a few examples of news reports on the pleas for trees from around the world.

Click to read BBC’s Tree Plea

Click to read FORBES Tree Plea
Click to read Saharan Africa Tree Plea
Myanmar tree plea
Click to read Myanmar Tree Plea
Click to read Berlin’s Tree Plea
Ethiopia Trees
Click to read Ethiopia’s Tree Plea

What the trees and the world needs is you.

Join us to help plant a trillion trees as fast as we can gather the seeds. Seed gathering has already begun but it really gets going this fall in the forests of Eastern Europe.

Trees & Seas

As vital as it is to plant a billion hectares of new forest remember this is a blue planet. There is five times the area of ocean that supports ocean plant life (its ocean pastures) than there is land for forests, old and new. As we make haste to restore the trees we must also make haste to restore the seas.

Together in the restoration of the trees and seas, we can and will save this world for our children and grandchildren.

Join Us.

The Best Time To Plant A Tree Was 20 Years Ago

Over the centuries Europe’s forests have sustained us but we have not sustained them.

Today climate change is ravaging the world as our fossil fuel emissions are overpowering our world’s environment.

This is changing the climate and worse changing nature itself.

Forests have the power to help us save the world from our CO2 emissions as trees use the power of the sun to repurpose our CO2 into new life one of the most powerful and enduring forces of nature her forests.

But forests take centuries to re-establish themselves and that’s going to be too late for us to help save the world from the ravages of our induced climate change. We can’t be as powerful or as persistent as Nature but we must employ our intelligence, our good intentions, and our money to help restore the ancient forests of Europe much faster than Nature can without our help.

Russ George planting trees
Founder of KlimaCoin and KlimaFa Russ George planting trees in 1972… it was a good time to plant trees. His company went on to plant a hundred million trees and he says he will never stop. Join him.

We have begun to collect the seeds that will become the new ancient forests of Europe. We will be planting those seeds and tens of millions like them into the waiting soils of lands that once were forests and will again become forests.

We need your help.

In China nearly 30 years ago an edict proclaimed that every Chinese man woman and child should help Nature by planting 5 trees every year. Traveling across China some years ago as a forestry advisor I witnessed those growing forests everywhere. There were plantations of young trees from seedlings to those nearing maturity.

We must do the same around the world. It all takes time, and while trees grow slowly the greatest danger to the environment is waiting for someone else to save it.

A great many trees are planted in Europe every year, we’ve not been lacking in our efforts but mostly those trees being planted are to replace trees being harvested as timber crops and to be one day harvested as well. Any forest is better than no forest, but the best forests are those that are there for life, their centuries of tree life, where they will stand as patient shepherds over the lands they occupy and serve to preserve, protect, and sustain their environment… our environment.

Our Klima Trees will be conservation trees and conservation forests destined upon planting as mixed-species forest. They will be as if Nature herself had planted them to be a perfect ancient old-growth forest with the maximum enduring benefit for all of nature.

Join us.